P1: Tell me about yourself
me: Told, but they didn't stop me, i kept speaking finally i had to say myself thats it
P1: why MBA me: Blah Blah Blah
P1: I dont think real state sector can sustain itself me: tried to explain him it can but he was not convinced
P1 : Why do you think Indian economy is stable
me: Blah Blah Blah
P1: what are the factors which determine if an economy is stable
me: started with political, economic policy
P1: And????
me: Didn't strike anything else so said india is a service sector driven economy, by mistake i said it is export oriented then corrcted myself by saying it is domestic market fed
P1:When & Why did global depression come? me: Answered correctly related to 1st world war
P1: Then why it did not come after 2nd world war?
me: smiled, they also smiled, then said may be company learned there lessons, laughs all around
P1: What are fundamental rights?
Me: told
P1: name some
me: named
P1: In freedom of speech am I allowed to abuse someone?
Me: No sir I dont think you are
P1: Which part of constitution stops me?
P1: Am I allowed to criticise anyone?
Me: yes sir, but our fundamental duty says it to use this right in a righteous manner P1: Are duties inforcible by coonstitution?
Me: no sir they are not
P1: When was emergency declared in India?
me: answered correctly
P1: what is corelation factor?
me: Sir I have never heard this term.
P1: What is mean?
p1: How will you callculate mean height of all the students
p1: what about median?
p1: If median is smaller than mean what does it imply?
me: ansered all these questions
P2: what subjects have you covered in civil engineering?
P2: Tell me aout structural Engineering?
p2: What are different building materials used?
me: i started telling them
p2: what is concrete?
p2: what is cement?
p2: how is cement made?
p2: what other materials?
p2: Is steel good material?
p2: which steel structure You like?
p2: which is stronger steel or concrete?
p2:Tell me history of Jaipur?
p2: have you seen Jodha Akbar?
me: no sir
p2: there was a controversy on the movie?
me : sir i dont know exactly but may be it was on whteher jodha was wife or akbar or salim.
P2 : so why rajasthanis have problem with she being wife of akbar? they Are ok witth salim being her husband? ( hahahahahahha)
me: sir may be akbar doesn't have a good image as he fought war with rana pratap
p2: who was salim?
me: akbar's son
p2: then who was jehangir?
me sir it is salim's other name
P2: then who is Shah jahan?
me: sir it is also name of salim ( it is a wrong answre, he is son of salim)
p2 : are you sure?
me : yes sir
p2 : sure?
me : very sure sir ( How could I do that, confident on wrong answere)
okay himanshu thank you than k you sir